Saturday, April 14, 2012


Sherry has a background in consumer and commercial credit.  Helping people in the world of credit restore and regain their credit worthiness allowed her to fulfill only a small part of the passion she has for helping others.  In fact, she found this life to be draining, stressful, deplenishing of every bit of joy and peace as well as unfulfilling and without passion.  There was a feeling of incompleteness trying to fill the role of everyone else expectations except her own.  It was convincing to her that filling the role that everyone else wanted and needed her to be was who she was suppose to be.  Sherry ignored every feeling of satisfaction, natural gifts and passion of what she wanted to do verses what she was spiritually divine to do.

The day was sure to come when she realized she was living life how the world shaped her to be and not the way she was created to be.  Having the desire to experience life with more balance and peace, more joy and more fulfillment she set out to change her course of direction.  Sustaining the hunger for helping others heal and transform their lives led her to feeding her passion.  This same passion led her to a path of self awareness and a journey of self-discovery to finding the essence of her own creativity and soul determination.  Sherry found a path which allowed her to break through the fears, the weaknesses and countless limitations.  She stopped believing in the myths that are told about black women and started believing more in herself, her strengths and what she could achieve with her dreams. In 2009 she started a women's group called Absolutely Women in Progess but this was just the beginning of the journey for her.  Now the founder and visionary of Tru Faces Empowering Women catering to the empowerment of women's health, spirit and individuality.

Through her vision she plan to reach her full potential as an evolved human being, fulfilling her calling professionally as a Mind Body Wellness Practitioner.  Her goal is to help as many woman live extraodinary lives changing one face at a time.  She is working towards her degree in Transformational Psychology with her studies focused in Nutrition and Transformational Coaching to better serve her clients as a practitioner helping them create change to gain physical and mental wellness.

Sherry is  working to receive her license as a Clinical Hypnotherapist .  She continues to enlighten and lift her spirit and the spirit of others to awaken the soul to reveal one's greatest expression of self.

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