Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Do Not Compromise the inner YOU to accomodate or feed someone else's HABITS, BELIEFS OR PERSONALITY.


Friday, September 7, 2012



The weekend is here so let's take care of YOU so you will be ready to begin your week on Monday.  Remember complete wellness incorporates the makeup of mind, body and spirit.  All three must be fed and nutured so............

When the Body is in tune, the Mind is healed.
When the Mind healed , the Heart is centered.
When the Heart is centered, the Spirit is free.
When the Spirit is free, anything is possible!
Choose 3 things from the list below to do over the weekend!
  • Spend time with nature
  • Savor a warm cup of Green Tea
  • Drink a bottle of Aloe Vera Juice
  • Prayer & Meditation for 15- 30 minutes with scented candles
  • Run a warm bath using 1-6 drops of Juniper essential oil (people with sensitive skin should dilute 1 drop of essential oil with 1drop of olive oil)  Make sure you keep door closed to keep aroma in room.
  • Sit in on a yoga class
  • Write in a journal about your weekend from start to end
  • Avoid your normal routine
  •  Juice your favorite green vegetable and make a green smoothie
  • Go for a 15 minute walk with a friend
  • Be happy - be in the company of family & great positive friends
  • Try making a Healthy Breakfast Frittata (from the world's healthiest foods) recipe: 1/2 medium onion 4 medium cloves garlic /4 lob of ground turkey 1TBS +2TBS chicken broth 3 cups rinsed and finely chopped kale (stems removed) 5 omega-3 enriched egss and sea salt with black pepper to taste. 
Live BOLD with Joy, Passion & Purpose
Your Online Coach

Tuesday, May 22, 2012



In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.

-- Deepak Chopra

Saturday, May 12, 2012


    Today I submitted to two online and print publications.    I am feeling really great and positive about my submission to these publication outlets.  This is my first time submitting an article for publication. I have always put time into writing and thoughts about publishing my own book but never given thought to doing this before.  One happens to be for a local magazine circulated in my area.  The magazine promotes women living a more fulfilled, richer life.  The first time I picked up the magazine and read it I enjoyed the articles and all that the magazine represented.  The other publication is online and I found out about this one through surfing the web after submitting to the first one.  This site is for "how to" articles.  My passion has always been to write a book. I feel that writing a book now would be taking on more than I can handle.  I do believe in standing tall and reaching high but for now I will take small steps and continue to submit my previously written articles from my website and prior blog to magazine outlets that will allow my voice to be heard in a good way.   Making a positive difference in women lives is my passion and soul purpose.  This is another great way for me to make this happen.  I have so many articles that I have written that no one has seen or read so I am ready to submit some more.  You have to start somewhere and this is a good place to begin.

As soon as I hear something or don't have a response from the print magazine I will let all know.  I have posted the link below for the online site so your thoughts and comments are welcome.  I believe the site also allows for others to make changes in the article as contributing authors. 
In Soul Essence,


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

News Release

News Release

May 09, 2012

For more information contact:

Sherry Braswell

Certified Hypnotherapist




Tru Faces Empowering Women Changing Names

To reflect the true nature of services that are being offered all the way around Tru Faces Empowering Women will be changing names.   As of  June 1, 2012 Tru Faces Empowering Women will change names to RevealingFACES with Sherry.  Tru Faces  currently offers services such as Tele coaching and guided coaching through phone & email support.   Monthly tele-workshops to help you go within to explore, reflect & express yourself.  Moving forward in addition to the current services we will be adding Guided Imagery as a service and stress management services. Adding this service will help clients to move forward in their journey healing and improving life naturally. 

For those of you that are already taking this journey with us please continue to do so taking advantage of the guided imagery services.  We look forward to the many new clients from this added service and welcome you to  Balance, Inner Peace, Spiritual Growth, Individuality & Authenticity.

Please visit our sites listed for more informaiton and to contact Sherry.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012


The Vision you own will transform into something real......look to your Heart.  You must look inside, find the key.  Awaken the soul and unlock what is meant to be. ~ Sherry


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Litle Birdie is Whispering

Enjoy the adventures of the ups and downs Life presents to you

Question:  WHY?
  •       With every adventure you have lessons balanced out by the joys you are   so dearly blessed with. 
  •      You gain as much as a spiritual connection with yourself which brightly reflects on to others in the world.  
  •       A given chance to grow outside the limits you place upon yourself that you are unable to see past.
  •       You become expanded with awareness to identify with the truth & realities that get buried by the overshadowing of false pretenses. 
  •      Gaining more Peace, Balance and Joy that no one has rights to EXCEPT YOU. 

Here where we open up, opportunity fully rises to awaken the soul having the shadows of our DREAMS reveal their light.

I say fully engage in what feeds your soul to bring exuberance and joy within your life and others around you. 

In Soul Essence, 


Friday, April 20, 2012

"It Does The Body Good"

Today I felt like doing something different than what I normally do for lunch.  I took a ride with a coworker during my lunch hour and came upon a trail.  So we decided to walk this trail which stretched about 20 miles to the state line starting in Hunt Valley MD.

The scenery was beautiful and the atmosphere was nurturing.  The sight of being surrounded by all of this nature began to calm me.  It was like I was somewhere in the wilderness far away.  To think I was just around the corner from my job not too far from my home.  I kept thinking in my mind "Why haven't I come sooner" knowing this trail was here.  Much different from other trails I have walked. 

We all too often take what is natural and free for granted.  This afternoon I experienced the joys of peaceful sounds of chirping birds & singing grasshoppers, the scent of nature's plants, the touch of a beautiful butterfly landing on my shoulder and a view that was tranquility to my eyes.

Indeed this was Relaxing!  Being relaxed does a lot for our minds as well as our body.  Being able to relax reduces stress and we know how bad stress is for you.  Relaxing closes the door to mind turbulence allowing you to enter into a realm of higher intuition.  You are more readily to connect with yourself. 

How do you get relaxed?  Can you tell me what type of atmoshpere you need to be in to get relaxed? 

A great atmosphere would include nurturing sounds, smells, touches and sights.  This is a way to rejuvenate and bring nourishment to your soul.
The next time you want to do something great for YOU take a nice nature walk.  It does the mind and body good!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


             Hello bloggers, tweeters, facebookers, stumblers and all that have visited.  Welcome and thank you for stopping by.  I give a special shout out to those who took time to join as members to follow this blog. 

     I am excited about what this blog has to offer to you and me both.  This is a new blog and will see some great stuff being added, changed and possibly deleted but this is good and all for the benefit of bringing you healing and transformation. 

    As I work towards creating this please increase the volume of your voices with feedback, comment on posts and make as many suggestions as you can think of.  Just as we enter a journey of transformation I pray the pages I create will take on a beautiful soulful transformation of it's own making this a place where you can find Love, Freedom, Vitality, Meaning & Purpose in your YOU.

   Please continue to stop by every once in awhile or everyday if you like and get the quote of the day, stress tips or soon to come positive affirmations.  Also, spread the love and share my blog with your friends and people you are connected with in the social networking world by clicking the share button.

   Remember we are here to have a enlighten experience so let's feed ourselves and each other.

In Soul Essence,


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Power of Thoughts


I am ready to open the door to feeding my soul.  I am ready to heal. - Sherry

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Creative Writing - True Reflections

Leaning propped against a hard exterior.  Placed to the side tightly tucked in a plastic pocket supported by cardboard.

I should be displayed reflecting my true gifts and beauty.  I wonder why as I look up to see the two displayed above me.  I bring smiles to others, focus, clear thought and clarity.  My gifts are needed and should replace the two above.

What true gifts do they reflect?  Black and white........symbolizing a rose.....what is the meaning? the purpose?  They appear to be the same only different in size. 

Hey you over there just dust me off.  My true beauty will shine.  My words will stand out brighter than before.  All I need is a frame to hold me together and I too will hang well. 

I bring meaning to your life........symbolize what your looking to achieve.......I provide a map for the direction of your DREAMS.

Your Greatness

Applaud yourself for everything you have done this point and where you are going. Regardless of where you are in your Life today you have achieved greatness.

Complimenting and congratulating yourself allows you to experience greatness within yourself. Pulling out the greatness from within will take you to a place of knowing what you are capable of doing. It may feel a little uncomfortable at first but say to yourself, "Great job", "Your Terrific" and see how it feels. Here you will also learn to acknowledge and appreciate the bad situations, mistakes and choices that did not lead to achievements but we still have to be grateful for the opportunity given to grow. So always celebrate your gifts and when you fall short.
In Soul Essence,

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Sherry has a background in consumer and commercial credit.  Helping people in the world of credit restore and regain their credit worthiness allowed her to fulfill only a small part of the passion she has for helping others.  In fact, she found this life to be draining, stressful, deplenishing of every bit of joy and peace as well as unfulfilling and without passion.  There was a feeling of incompleteness trying to fill the role of everyone else expectations except her own.  It was convincing to her that filling the role that everyone else wanted and needed her to be was who she was suppose to be.  Sherry ignored every feeling of satisfaction, natural gifts and passion of what she wanted to do verses what she was spiritually divine to do.

The day was sure to come when she realized she was living life how the world shaped her to be and not the way she was created to be.  Having the desire to experience life with more balance and peace, more joy and more fulfillment she set out to change her course of direction.  Sustaining the hunger for helping others heal and transform their lives led her to feeding her passion.  This same passion led her to a path of self awareness and a journey of self-discovery to finding the essence of her own creativity and soul determination.  Sherry found a path which allowed her to break through the fears, the weaknesses and countless limitations.  She stopped believing in the myths that are told about black women and started believing more in herself, her strengths and what she could achieve with her dreams. In 2009 she started a women's group called Absolutely Women in Progess but this was just the beginning of the journey for her.  Now the founder and visionary of Tru Faces Empowering Women catering to the empowerment of women's health, spirit and individuality.

Through her vision she plan to reach her full potential as an evolved human being, fulfilling her calling professionally as a Mind Body Wellness Practitioner.  Her goal is to help as many woman live extraodinary lives changing one face at a time.  She is working towards her degree in Transformational Psychology with her studies focused in Nutrition and Transformational Coaching to better serve her clients as a practitioner helping them create change to gain physical and mental wellness.

Sherry is  working to receive her license as a Clinical Hypnotherapist .  She continues to enlighten and lift her spirit and the spirit of others to awaken the soul to reveal one's greatest expression of self.